Pedigree of Sing Shosha Ling
Sing Shosha Ling
Springwater Kojiki San
Kinouk's Pop-A-Top
Kinouk's Hell on Wheels
Porsche of Kinouk
Sotou No Gyokuryuu Go Sotosou
Graham Uchida's Akiko (Uchida's Akiko)
Nomad's Yousi
Kinouk's Pop-A-Top
Kinouk's Hell on Wheels
Porsche of Kinouk
Springwater Shosha San
Springwater Kojiki San
Kinouk's Pop-A-Top
Kinouk's Hell on Wheels
Porsche of Kinouk
Nomad's Yousi
Kinouk's Pop-A-Top
Frerose's Princess Shoji
Freroses Redd Fox of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow
Ichibeni of Ineda Meikensow
Frerose Woozie of Frerose
Kintaro of Satorisow
Yukimehime of Yukigunisow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree