Pedigree of Marma's Mercedes
Marma's Mercedes
Marma's The Magician
Sanjo Let's Go Joe
Kairi Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Banri (Manri) Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
萬利号 琉球うるま
Satsuki Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Seki No Sachihime Go Shikoku Sekimaesow
Tenryuu Go Shiba Furendosou
天竜号 柴普恋度荘
Beniyakko Go Imabarisow
紅奴号 今治荘
Marma's Mystical Illusion
San Jo The Sorcerer
Tenkuu Go Etchuu Wakasugisou
天空丸号 越中若杉荘
Fumi Go Gold Typhoon JP
Frerose Free Spirit Of Marma
Frerose Stoned Cold
Frerose Sophie
Cedarcrest's Splash Down at Marma
Frerose Challenger of Marma
Frerose Stoned Cold
Frerose Little Big Man
Frerose Sweet Mystical You
Frerose Sophie
Fanfair's Do It My Way
Frerose Cupie Doll
Blackrest Flaming Vail
Tenkuu Go Etchuu Wakasugisou
天空丸号 越中若杉荘
Tenshinmaru Go Etchuu Wakasugisou
Arisa Go Etchuu Wakasugisou
San Jo Light My Fire
San Jo One For The Money
Tomi No Benimitsuhime Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree