Pedigree of Flashpoint's Que Caliente!
Flashpoint's Que Caliente!
Classy Mitsukai My Lil Angel
San Jo Tom Foolery

Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow
Hamajiro Go Toyohama Unryusow
Haruhidejo (Haruhideme) Go Nidai Maneisou
San Jo's Tickled Pink

Jacquet JP's Baron
Jacquet Thu Ru Hime
Prescott J's Lady Sock Broker
Kyomi's Hot N Spicy

Rippa-Na Mr Mystic No Tenju
San Jo Wise Guy

Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow
San Jo's Tickled Pink

Kurohana Go Ryuukyuu Uruma

Kurotetsu Go Izumisou
Nishikihane of Ryukyu Wruma
GW's The Cat's Meow
Tanasea's Montana Memories
Kinouk's Road-Warrior Tanasea
Kurohime of Kosei Shiragiku Sow
Taka Chika
Takemaru of Chita Mochizukisow
Koroyuki of Hitotsuyamasow
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree