Pedigree of Fuseishutsu of Smashing Pride
Fuseishutsu of Smashing Pride
Secretariat Big Red Hannibal
Harwey Siwash Legend
Mara-Shimas Kuni-Nishiki
Fuji Siwash Legend
Mara-Shimas I'm Cool Without You
Mara-Shimas Kuni-Nishiki
Mara-shimas Smashing Pumpkin
Icyitadaki Go Kyousei
Yukiyama No Genshokuban Go
雪山の源号 鳥島荘
Kenta Go Kanagawa Shirai
健太号 神奈川白井
Morningstar Mia Chousei Sou
Icyitadaki Go Hello Kitty
Kotaro Go Shun'you Kensha
Erabor Hanaya at Icy-Itadaki
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree