Pedigree of Un'yu Katsuyo Akihiro
Un'yu Katsuyo Akihiro

We-Sedso Pure Gold

We-Sedso Versace

Justa Massimiliano

We-Sedso We Are The World

Setsuzan Forza Crazy for Coffee

Kotarou Go Seishirousou
小太郎号 清四郎荘

Blackcrest's Kairi Gold
Algarbia Chiyomi

Urusai de Canquecus

Allaikha's F'Bruce Lee

We-Sedso Precious Prima Donna

Irie de Canquercus

Hachimonji Go Ryuukyuu Uruma
Yuko da Villa das Taipas
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree