Pedigree of Tanzu Good Golly Miss Molly At Toftslain
Tanzu Good Golly Miss Molly At Toftslain
Geifang Red Dragon For Bellicose
Azgard Shotokan at Potterspride
Kurotetsu of Kohtokusow at Makoto
黒鉄号 高徳荘
Kiskas Tsukiyomi of Azgard
Romador The Chorus Girl is Geifang
Liemonchek Bertie
Holker Dark Lace at Romador
Geifang Popcorn
Caremma Ko Ko at Geifang
Wellshim Osamu at Vormund
Yorlanders Samantha
Branock Arranz from Geifang
Liemonchek Bertie
Liemonchek Angel Face of Sharvanni
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree