Pedigree of Billie's Lady Susuki Of BBK
Billie's Lady Susuki Of BBK
Stardust's Cougar
Hardtimes Ikando
Georg's Dashing Diablo
Dot's Lil Peanut
Hardtimes Foxie Moxie
Freddie Malicoat
Jasmine of Shiloh
Stardust's Sheba
Tabuchi Of Shiloh
Yuki No Shinichi of Saitama Yukisow
Kurata No Haruichi Of Ano Kurata-So
Takafusame Of Kawagoe-So
Reedgate Uchida
Renegade Miriah Of Shiloh
Freeman's Robin Hood
Kani's Reba
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree