Pedigree of Cnik, City High Sierra
Cnik, City High Sierra
Ocean's Shogun Akage

K-Bar's Ocean Desperado
Fansu's K-Bar Totally Awesome
Taichung Bold Concept At OPR
Taichung Whispering Bells OPR
K-B Pennies From Hevin K-Bar
K-B Shoguns Devine Decree
Fansu Face Of An Angel Kisu
Fallscreeks Ftloose Fancy
Royal's Kimute of Fallscreek
Fansu's Royal Land Shark
Taichung Designer Label
Dyer's Tracy Lynn
Coblentz's Fox Jr
Graber's Jo Ann
Fansu's High Spirit's At K'-Bar
Taichung Bold Concept At OPR
Taichung Tempted By A Lady
Elliott of Taichung

Kiyoichime Gishifujiso
Sarihime Go Fujimiya Inu Sha (Fujinomiya Kensha)
Ryu Go Fujimiya Inu Sha (Ryuu Go Fujinomiya Kensha)
Benikohime Of Fujimiya Inu Sha (Fujinomiya Kensha)
Fansu's Fuzzy Navel
San Jo's Wise Decision

Toyojiro of Nidaimanei Sow
San Jo's Tickled Pink
Fansu's She's Energized
Mokelumne's Terminator Fayan
Taichung Red Hot Chili Peppr
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree