Pedigree of Tamashibahime of Sotosow
Tamashibahime of Sotosow
Koto No Tamamidori Go Kotousow
Tamanishiki Go Fujinomiya Kensha (Fujimiya Kensha)
玉錦号 富士宮犬舎
Katsuranishiki Go Enshuu Ichiriki
桂錦号 遠州一力
Katsuramaru Go Kawagoesou
Beniyuri Go Enshuu Sogasou
紅百合号 遠州曽我荘
Beniichime Go Enshuu Sogasou
紅一女号 遠州曽我荘
Matsumaru Go Shinshuu Nakajima
松真留号 信州中島
Benisakurame Go Fujiminesou
紅桜女号 富士峰荘
Kotou No Tamahime Go Kotousou
Kotou No Mitsusuke Go Kotousou
Sengyokume Go Kotousou
Shibame of Sotosow
Matsuharu of Kumamotousubasow
Jiman 2 Sei of Shibakenkai
Tomi Go Kagoshima Shibakenkai
Fuyohime of Sotosow
Kirin 2 Sei of Shinsyu Kirinsow
Shohime Go Shibakenkai
Kirin Nisei Go Shinshuu Kirinsou
Benitomi Go Shibakenkai
This pedigree was generated by Shiba Inu Pedigree